Apps can be configured to support the ArcGIS Workforce Assignments schema to allow user’s to complete assignments in the field.

Builder Configuration

To configure the assignments schema within Sweet, an assignments layer needs to be available within the ArcGIS Portal. Then the layer can be added into a Sweet application.

  1. Open the Save panel.
  2. Select the Assignments dropdown.
  3. Select Yes to enable assignments support.
  4. Select Choose to insert the existing Assignments service within the ArcGIS portal. If the assignments layer is a custom service, then the user will need to match up the fields manually within the Builder.
  5. If needed you can also create an Extents service alongside the ArcGIS Workforce schema. This is a separate feature service that enables users to create assignments using a polygon as the assignment extent, rather than a point service.

Offline use

Once the app has been configured, editors can open the offline app and collect data within each assignment. By default, assignments are sorted by due date, with the closest date at the top.

  1. To start an assignment, select Start.
  2. To decline an assignment, select Start, then Decline.
  3. Once an assignment is in progress, the editor can select the Attachments button to view any attached documents associated with that assignment.
  4. Select the Download button to download an area to take offline. This opens a screen where the user can draw the offline area, which can then be downloaded.
  5. Once downloaded to the device, select the Open button to start collecting data.
  6. Once data has been edited, select Sync to back up the edits to the ArcGIS portal.
  7. The user can select Complete* and Finish to complete and close that assignment.

*The Complete button also reveals two more options, Pause and Reset. Pausing the assignment will change the status of that assignment for the assignment manager, and the Reset button will revert the state of the assignment so it’s no longer in progress.