When using the Sweet builder to create or edit a Sweet application, the builder will open a page called the wireframe. The wireframe is the starting point for configuring a Sweet app, and tailoring it to business rules. Below shows where main areas of functionality can be configured.

  1. Data Rules Editor – Configure Topology and Connectivity rules. Any validation code for geometric edits can also be applied here.
  2. Properties – Configure rules for attributes, such as hiding fields, validating inputs, and scripting field calculations on the fly.
  3. Panels – Panels add additional functionality such as BasemapsLocatorsPlans, and Custom Commands.
  4. Feedback – Map Feedback allows you to configure visual feedback that will appear in the client app based on the edits a user makes.
  5. Look and Feel – Configure non-GIS rules such as the language, the application theme, and any messages that may appear on start-up.